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Three Words (Part 2)

Updated: Jul 26, 2023

There are times in our lives when we are faced with some sought of challenge, adversity, problem. We find ourselves in the valley of decisions where questions fill our mind… Should I say yes or no; should I go or stay; should I become this or that.

Questions, decisions, choices…. And we do respond, even when we don’t; we are.

Many times, we look to our peers, business associates, and family for guidance.

We find ourselves making a left turn when we should have gone right. Or at least we think we should have gone right. This life is filled with many ups and downs; twists and turns; sharp curves on our journey “To Become”.

Let me recall a time, somewhere between 1976 – 1978, which was another pivotal moment in my life. I was in high school. It was lunchtime, and after eating my lunch in the school cafeteria, my friend went to the courtyard, I followed. My friend took out one of those funny looking cigarettes (I believe it was called a joint), lit it and began to smoke it. I remember saying to this individual, “What do you get out of that? All I see is smoke going in and smoke coming out.” She said, “You want to try it?” There was a little bit of peer pressure.

It was this moment, the “Three words” my mom put in the atmosphere a few years back proven to have taken root in my life.

What my friend was smoking, was said to be “all natural”. But, at that time was illegal. I choose not to partake.

The words, this simply little phrase my mom spoke so many years ago, which carried a tremendous amount of accountability was, “It's Your Life!”

It’s your life.

Rather you go to the left or the right

It’s your life.

To climb the mountain or stay in valley

It’s your life.

To stop or to move forward

It’s your life.

To forgive and be free or remain bound to the hurts of your past

It’s your life.

To achieve despite the challenges or remain in what appears to be “a safe place”

It’s your life.

To use your past mistakes as steppingstones to your future successes or remain with the mindset of “I should of, could of, would of".

It’s your life.

To close your ears to the busybodies, moving forward into your destiny or allow their words to confine you to a box of mediocracy

It’s Your Life.

To see the Greatness of God in yourself manifest; knowing the plans He has for you is not aborted or to not believe

It’s Your Life!

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