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Expect A Sure Victory!

Many, many years ago, when I was in my early twenties, traveling on the #2 train at 241st Street station, Bronx, NY, getting off at Gun Hill to connect to a bus to get me to 1874 Washington Ave in the Bronx, I didn’t know this then, but I was in route to an awakening of “Sure Victory”.

It was Sunday, so I was on my way to Sunday school. As I recall this day, I remember how I was a little weary about the cares of this life, the cares of my life, and what next steps I was to take. I believe at this time, I had graduated with my associate degree, then went on to obtain my bachelor’s degree…. and I couldn’t handle the workload at that time. I failed my first class, “Statistics for the Behavioral Science”.

Let’s get back to my journey to Sunday School that day

I will never forget it. I had not prep for the lesson (I was the teacher), and when I arrive at church that Sunday, I sat down, open my Sunday school book; to do a quick overview, to find that the lesson topic was “Expect A Sure Victory”. Well, of course my spirit was totally lifted after just reading the lesson topic. The lesson came from the book of 2 Chronicles chapter 20. It told the story of how 3 nations came up against Jehoshaphat. Jehoshaphat called the people of Judah to fast. The people came together, and sought the Lord, and as Jehoshaphat pour out his heart to God. The Lord spoke through a man named Jahaziel and he told them “not to be afraid, don’t be discourage, for this battle is not yours but it’s the Lord.” He said, “you don’t have to fight; take your position and stand firm.” Again he said “do not be afraid, do not be discourage”; “go face them and the Lord will be with you.” God was telling them to “Expect A Sure Victory”.

We face many challenges in this life, and at times we want to fight or quit because we think it’s right. We get discouraged, and we “feel” like we have been forsaken. But I declare, I can hear the Lord saying, “to me”. Through this “Sunday school lesson of the past”; Be still; Don’t be afraid, don’t be discourage for this battle is not yours but it’s the Lord.” And I know without a doubt, I (We) Can “Expect A Sure Victory!” when we trust God and stand on His word no matter what it appears to be, and what we see with our eyes in the natural. God gave the people instructions in this bible story; to not fight; to take their position; stand firm and don’t be discourage. He “got your/our back” we just must believe.

After the people of Judah heard the word of the Lord, they fell down and “worship” … as they began to sing praise unto God… The bible states, “The LORD set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah” Yes… the enemy began to fight themselves... Jehoshaphat and his people did not have to fight, when it was all over there was an abundance of valuables. They spent 3 days collecting it because there was so much.

There is a blessing, in sending up praise to God even when your life seems totally out of control.

There is a blessing in being a hearer and doer of the Word of God; even when it doesn’t make sense

There is a blessing, in being a blessing to others; even when you are in need.

I am sooooo glad I was brought up going to Sunday School!

Yes, I got discouraged when I was in college, and I did drop out. But God, He had a plan for my life. I was able to go back to school I had to take that same class I failed, again; and received a grade of “A” the second time around.

Nobody told me the road would be easy, but if I trust God…

I can Expect A Sure Victory!

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